Kannada actor Darshan Thoogudeep's acts of violence against his wife has once again highlighted the ugly side of the entertainment industry The film industry is no stranger to domestic abuse and Kannada actor Darshan Thoogudeep's arrest has only highlighted the painful reality that seeps within the glitz and glamour. The Darshan-Vijaylakshmi-Nikita saga seems to have a new twist to the tale everyday. From Darshan indulging in both physical and emotional exploitation of his wife Vijaylakshmi to actress Nikita being banned by the Kannada film association from signing any more films for her alleged involvement in the case, the matter seems to have given rise to debates from all spectrums of society. While social networking sites seem to be abuzz with the 'chauvinistic' move against Nikita, other media platforms wonder if Darshan would ever be able to regain his superstar status. However, this is not the first (and probably not the last) time we are seeing reel stars indulging in such cowardly acts in their real life. Salman Khan- Somy Ali, Aishwarya Rai Infamous on the list of actors involved in alleged physical abuse controversies is Salman Khan. The superstar at some point or the other in life has invariably been accused of getting physical with his girlfriends. First it was Pakistani actress Somy Ali who he dated for almost five years, but the two split up in the late '90s after the infamous cola episode, where Salman apparently in a fit of rage poured a drink on her at a party. However, rumours about Salman's tempestuous nature continued even when he started dating Aishwarya Rai during Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam. Numerous stories about their physical fights made it to the press much too frequently. There was one incident in particular that made headlines. One night, Salman reached Ash's residence, apparently broke the window panes and later followed her to a film set and beat her. And speculations only rose when Aishwarya openly admitted (during a Cannes press conference for Provoked) to have been a victim of physical violence. Ranvir Shorey - Pooja Bhatt A few years ago actor Ranvir Shorey was arrested on charges of assaulting then girlfriend Pooja Bhatt. The brawl between her brother Rahul Bhatt and Shorey followed after the latter arrived at Pooja's residence and created a huge scene. "He came in with a bottle of wine and he was completely drunk. He continued drinking and I asked him to stop. I snatched the bottle from him and that's what angered him. We support no form of physical violence and I had to speak up against it, " Pooja was quoted saying. Sanjay Khan -Zeenat Aman This could easily be called as one of the most contentious affairs in Bollywood. The two apparently started seeing each other on the sets of a film called Abdullah in 1980. However, things started falling apart when they reportedly started having violent altercations, sometimes even in public. Their relationship came to an end after Sanjay allegedly brutally assaulted her in a 5-star hotel. Mazhar Khan- Zeenat Aman Zeenat Aman obviously has had a graver history of physical abuse than any other actress in Bollywood. Though she had two sons with husband Mazhar Khan (who she tied the knot with in 1985), during the '90s, their scuffles made the headlines more than once. The actress once even spoke to the press about being tortured in both her relationships. Today, she refuses to even acknowledge the names of both her past lovers. Rahul Mahajan - Dimpy Ganguly Less than a month after the much-publicised Swayamwar between Rahul Mahajan and wannabe actress Dimpy Ganguly, she spoke out loud about his abusive ways and also about wanting to step away from the marriage. It was a known fact that Rahul who very abusive with his first wife as well. Dimpy alleged that during their fights, Rahul used to point his gun at her. "I don't know what I have gotten myself into. He seemed nice, but no one can control him when he gets abusive, " she was quoted saying. Violent love stories 2007- After a roaring affair with the much-married Aditya Pancholi, Kangna Ranaut came out in the open about how he used to abuse her black and blue. 2007- Bollywood producer Gaurang Doshi had to seek anticipatory bail when his girlfriend Saini filed a complaint at the Versova police station against him alleging physical assault. 2011- TV actor Ejaz Khan was recently accused of physical abuse by girlfriend Nidhi Kashyap. Movies on domestic violence Provoked Heaven On Earth Agni Sakhsi Mittal Vs Mittal Mrityudand Daraar | |
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