Actor Sanjay Dutt, who is ready for his television debut with "Bigg Boss 5" that goes on air Sunday, says Salman Khan, his co-host on the reality show, is like a younger brother to him. "He (Salman) is like a younger brother to me and we have done a couple of movies together and you can see the Big Boss promos. There is so much of chemistry. So it will be fun, " said Sanjay. This is their first small screen venture, but the two actors teamed for movies like "Saajan" and "Chal Mere Bhai". But for his new innings, 52-year-old Sanjay is happy to have Salman's company. "It's a new thing for me to go on television, but I am happy that Salman is with me.That will really help me a lot, " he said. The on-screen promos of the show have been promising and reveal how the duo would create double trouble for the contestants, who will be locked in a house for three months and be under 24-hour camera surveillance. The official list of participants for the season is yet to be unveiled. 'Bigg Boss 5' house to have common baths Here's a dekho of the house of a forthcoming reality show hosted by Salman Khan and Sanjay Dutt. The "Bigg Boss 5" house is bright and nice thanks to a riot of colours - green, fuschia, yellow and more - and, due to its compact and transparent design, it is expected to spark riots among the 14 contestants participating in the Colors' reality show. The design by interior designer Shayam Bhatia is intentional, reveals Ashwini Yardi, programming head, Colors. "We have made the house more compact this time around, so that people are more in each other's face," Yardi told reporters. For 100 days, the contestants will be locked inside the 9,000 square feet house, which has been moved from the busy markets of Lonavala to the lush plains of Karjat. As many as 55 cameras have been placed inside the house to pry upon their activities 24x7. The official list of participants is yet to be unveiled. However, names like Nihita Biswas, the Nepali wife of alleged murderer Charles Sobhraj, actress Pooja Bedi, TV actress Parul Chauhan, and even international boxing champion Mike Tyson are expected to be on the show. From the design of the house, one can imagine that the tolerance level of the contestants will be tested to the hilt. Since the house is smaller as compared to previous seasons of the show, it barely leaves space for any housemate for privacy. The jail, where indisciplined contestants can be locked, makes a comeback this season, and the much-used kitchen sink has been placed in the garden area to cause more inconvenience and create fiction between the participants. The house also has a lot of glass, due to which one can view the entire expanse -- from the entry of the house to the bedroom all in one go, including the outdoor and living section of the house. The two separate bedrooms, in shades of green and fuchsia with a hint of white, brown and yellow, have no differentiation for the sexes. Maintaining tradition since last year, there's a special bedroom for the head-of-house, who will get some luxuries and special privileges. The open kitchen is connected with a dining room that extends to the garden area, and the outdoor area has gained more prominence with the pool area, the activity area, the gymnasium and the kitchen sink being placed there. The house has a common washroom, as well as a common bath for male and female contestants. The confession room, where the contestants get a chance to interact with the "Bigg Boss", is done in shades of royal green. |
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