Friday, September 16, 2011

Mila Kunis Does FHM South Africa!!

On the worst piece of releationship advice she's ever received:

"I'm pretty sure I have never received any horrible advice. I have really great people around me that are much smarter that I am."

On where she was actually born:

"A small town called Chernitsa. It's in the Ukraine, actually. It's a very small town. I would be shocked if you'd ever heard of it."

On whether or not she still sees her former "That 70's Show" castmates:

"You know, "Theat 70's Show" ended a long time ago. Yes I keep in touch with everyone, but if you want me to tell you a story from the set, it's in one ear, out the other. It's one giant episode for me, all of those eight years."

On if the "That 70's Show" days were a fun time in her life:

"Without a doubt, it was an amazing, amazing time in my life that I wouldn't trade for the world."

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