Bond on a flight back to Mumbai putting rest to rumours of a problem between the two on account of 'My Friend Pinto' He may be a newcomer in Bollywood, but Prateik has his own way of playing the game. The actor, it appears, has decided not to get sucked into any kind of industry politics, even if it means slighting a prominent filmmaker like Sanjay Leela Bhansali. Friendship in air On a recent flight back from Delhi, where the actor was promoting his My Friend Pinto, he bumped into Ranbir Kapoor. The latter was returning from a promotional event of his upcoming Rockstar. Given that the Kapoor lad had turned down Bhansali's offer to star in MFP due to some past professional differences, leading to a cold war of sorts between the two, one expected both the young stars to ignore each other. However, to everyone's surprise, just the opposite happened. Says a fellow passenger, "Ranbir and Prateik seemed very comfortable and relaxed in each other's company. They were strumming a guitar, singing and exchanging notes on music at the airport. When we boarded the flight, since their seats were away from each other, they requested their co-passengers to switch places so that they could sit next to each other. Kiran Rao (who also happened to be on the same flight) also joined them. All three of them were happily chatting away. They seemed to be having a lot of fun together." We wonder if this is the beginning of a new friendship in Bollywood. Guess only time will tell... Courtesy: |
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