Shahid Kapoor is confident that Akshay's film will not affect the fortunes of 'Mausam' this weekend Shahid Kapoor's flick Mausam takes on Akshay Kumar's production Speedy Singhs this weekend. The two stars have never seen eye-to eye and now the two find themselves battling at the box-office as well. Shasha had major issues with the Khiladi after his role was chopped at the latter's behest in Deewane Huye Paagal. As a drastic measure, he stopped doing films in which he was not the solo hero. It sort of developed into a phobia of not sharing screen space with another leading male actor. Says a source, "Shahid is banking heavily on Mausam especially since it is also his father's (Pankaj Kapur) directorial debut. The film has been delayed and has gone through rounds of various objections. He now wants everything go right for the film at the box-office." Adds the source, "When the release date was pushed back due to censor issues, it was realised that his movie would be clashing with Akshay's film. But the makers decided to go ahead. Shahid feels the film would stand on its own merit." Even recently when Shahid was offered to essay the role of Chhota Rajan in Milan Luthria's Once Upon A Time In Mumbaai 2, his fear again took precedence as it has Akshay in the movie as well. Courtesy: |
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