While presenting an award, Shah Rukh Khan apparently said this aloud... Is he extending the olive branch? Going by the oft-repeated adage, that there are no permanent foes or friends in the industry, it remains to be seen if there ever will be a patch up between Shah Rukh and Salman Khan. Interestingly, it looked like King Khan was willing to let bygones be bygones with an interesting gesture at an award ceremony held at an Andheri studio, on Tuesday evening. Our source reveals that the actor was there to announce the award for the Best Onscreen Couple. "Keeping in mind that the presenters' and the winners' parts are scripted, it's obvious that SRK would know who was winning in the category, " said our source, adding that the actor didn't seem too surprised while reading out the names of the winners Salman and Kareena Kapoor. However, the Bodyguard jodi wasn't in town. Instead, Salman's sister Alvira and brother-in-law Atul Agnihotri, who produced the film, went up on the stage to receive the award on Salman's behalf. SRK was extremely warm and friendly towards them, and even announced "Wish Salman and Kareena were here to receive their award, " loud enough for all to hear. "Obviously, the people present were taken aback, " added our source. Reportedly, Alvira, also the producer of Bodyguard, had recently put her status message on her mobile phone as "Even a Super Hero needs a Bodyguard." When contacted, Atul was pleased with the awards his film had won the evening before. About Shah Rukh announcing the award, Salman's brother-in-law and producer of Bodyguard recalled, "The category was after SRK's act. So I guess he knew he was giving away this award." Speaking about Shah Rukh's statement, Atul said, "Yes, he did say something to that effect. But I don't think there's too much to read into that, irrespective of the so called history." As for Alvira's status message on her messenger service, Atul maintained, " I don't know how these stories came about. But there was no awkwardness at all." Courtesy: Mid-Day.com |
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