Kim Kardashian had decided to break off with Kris Humphries after seeing back footage of her new reality show. The show - Kourtney & Kim Take New York - finished filming in mid-October and will start airing on E! from November 17. Kim has viewed all the footage and has editorial control of what is shown - despite not being an executive producer. When she saw Humphries' behaviour towards her and her family, she reportedly burst into tears. This was the final straw and two weeks later Kim filed for divorce. "It was hard for Kim to watch all the footage, she has been unable to review it without bursting into tears," the Daily Mail quoted a source as telling Radar. "[She was] absolutely mortified when she saw on camera, the way that Kris was treating her," the source said. Kim decided to end the marriage after the final edits had be made - but didn't tell the producers until the day she filed for divorce - October 31. |
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