Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Now, try on clothes in 3D with Virtual Tailor

Online shopping experience has now escalated to yet another level with the introduction of new software called 'virtual tailor', which boasts of being able to take your vital statistics in less than three minutes.

The software allows the users to 'try on' clothes in 3-D image of themselves to determine if the outfit suits them.

It can also make recommendations for size and shape to ensure that the shoppers don't make fashion blunders.

The software works by scanning the body as the user stands in front of his webcam at home.

By holding up a familiar object like a CD or DVD, the software can accurately make exact measurements and then upload a 3-D template of the shopper's body.

According to Asaf Moses, chief executive of Upcload, a database of around 100,000 people is then used to recommend clothing, which might suit their size, shape and age.

"It means we can suggest clothing ideas to people that they may never have thought of before," the Daily Mail quoted him as saying.

"The program is using your body shape to suggest genuinely new ideas to people rather than simply suggesting on the basis of your historic buying pattern. It is like having your best friend with you."

All the product characteristics like textile material and consistency are also taken into consideration before making a final recommendation for the proper size and fit.

Moses said that he came across this idea after he had to exchange online clothing purchases too often.

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