Thursday, November 3, 2011

Women wearing skirts at workplace more successful

Women who wear skirts in the workplace are more likely to make a good impression and get a promotion, according to a new study.

Professor Karen Pine, who co-led the research at the University of Hertfordshire, said that the results contradicted previous studies that suggested women should dress more like men to succeed in business.

Scientists showed 300 people pictures of women dressed in navy blue skirt suits and pant suits. The clothing was identical in everyway except for the bottoms.

Within three seconds, the majority perceived that the women wearing skirts were more confident, successful and powerful than their trouser clad sisters.

The results concluded that the option women have to wear such attire creates a competitive advantage within the workplace.

"People are judged on their overall head-to-toe appearance and the fundamental role that a dress plays in creating a positive first impression cannot be underestimated," the Sydney Morning Herald quoted Professor Pine as telling the Daily Mail.

"Women still have to maintain an identity that balances professionalism with attractiveness. The skirt suit may achieve that balance without appearing provocative," he added.

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